Gov’t Taco
A taco shop with a design that looks as good as the tacos taste. They really are spectacular.
A taco shop with a design that looks as good as the tacos taste. They really are spectacular.
Twitch and Ad Council teamed up to present this partnership video, to promote COVID-19 awareness and mask usage amongst the American youthful gaming demographic.
Showing is better than telling…
Echo Tango is looking for a versatile Junior Graphic Designer who can move between digital, print, and video projects without missing a beat. We are a tight group of creatives that actually enjoy what we do, and like each other. If you have an upbeat and outgoing personality and are willing to jump in and… Read more »
In times of uncertainty, clear communication is key. Our team was able to quickly put together this one-pager that simply explained policy changes and relief available to our clients and friends during COVID-19.
As an artist sometimes finding the balance between art and commerce in work is complicated.
Your brand is what the public thinks of when they are presented with your brand name and brand offering. The best brands connect with their audience emotionally and stand out amongst the competition. Story creates connections.
I met Grant and Allison years ago when they were in high school. I was Grant’s soccer coach. No matter what we were doing in training, he was all in. The kind to not be rattled by a challenge and found pride in putting in the work. I could see from an early age that… Read more »
As a storyteller, I’m always seeking honesty in my subjects, and when I met Emilie I knew immediately we’d work together. Emilie Hebert has dedicated herself to helping people fall in love with plant-based food and sustainable eating. Emilie Eats, her blog that was started in 2015, focuses on simple recipes that make healthy eating… Read more »
Every piece of art tells a story. People tend to miss a lot of details surrounding them. People are busy… they’re distracted. It is hard to gain their attention. It’s not often when you can look at someone’s work and see their soul in it. I love that every cut and every cast tell a… Read more »
The latest update to the boundary-pushing 3D creation and animation software is finally here! 4 years in the making and thanks to an active community of contributors, this Open Source software is ready for anyone who wants it. We put together this short video to celebrate some of the new features we’re most excited about!
Adam was brought to our attention by TMZ’s Van Lathan. It was a pretty simple intro… “Tommy, if you haven’t heard Adam Dollar$, you should stop what you are doing right now, and go look him up.” So I looked him up, heard the track “kobe” and was like “There is no way this is… Read more »
In the Amazon Prime TV series “Homecoming”, creator Sam Esmail uses the look of the show as a character, just as he uses actors as characters. **absolute spoilers ahead**
As an artist and animator, I’ve wanted to create things and move them around in 3D for quite a while now (probably since I saw Jurassic Park in 1993).
I don’t usually get asked, “How did you become a video editor?” very often. Which, I guess hasn’t really created scenarios where I have had to do a deep dive internally and really understand how I got to be in the editor’s chair I am sitting in today. Recently, without being asked, I have been… Read more »
“Artist on Artist” started with the working title “Mind of Mothersbaugh,” and was actually being shopped as a documentary on Mark Mothersbaugh. The original vision came from my time spent on Yo Gabba Gabba Season 4. Which is where I got to meet Mark. Unlike most celebrity interactions, Mothersbaugh lived up to exactly who I… Read more »
Being a TV guy carries conversation points that are going to simply be part of my life going forward. For example, “Tommy, What shows are you currently watching? What would you recommend?”