Author: Andy Lemoine


Your brand is what the public thinks of when they are presented with your brand name and brand offering. The best brands connect with their audience emotionally and stand out amongst the competition. Story creates connections.

Blender 2.8 Released!

The latest update to the boundary-pushing 3D creation and animation software is finally here! 4 years in the making and thanks to an active community of contributors, this Open Source software is ready for anyone who wants it. We put together this short video to celebrate some of the new features we’re most excited about! 

Anyone Can Cook… with (a) Blender

As an artist and animator, I’ve wanted to create things and move them around in 3D for quite a while now (probably since I saw Jurassic Park in 1993).

Rhythm as an Editor

I don’t usually get asked, “How did you become a video editor?” very often. Which, I guess hasn’t really created scenarios where I have had to do a deep dive internally and really understand how I got to be in the editor’s chair I am sitting in today. Recently, without being asked, I have been… Read more »